Tecsun 18650 Li-ion Batteries
A set of 2 replacement Tecsun 18650 lithium (Li-ion) batteries that can be used to power your Tecsun H-501x, PL-990x, S-8800, PL-880 and ICR-110 radio receiver. This item can only be shipped within the contiguous United States and cannot be shipped with any other items. These are 3.7V 2600mAh button-top batteries and can be powered inside your radio, or using an external universal battery charger like the Nitecore D2.
A set of 2 replacement Tecsun 18650 lithium (Li-ion) batteries that can be used to power your Tecsun H-501x, PL-990x, S-8800, PL-880 and ICR-110 radio receiver. This item can only be shipped within the contiguous United States and cannot be shipped with any other items. These are 3.7V 2600mAh button-top batteries and can be powered inside your radio, or using an external universal battery charger like the Nitecore D2.
- 2 pieces Tecsun 18650 battery
- Plastic battery holder box
- Delivery within contiguous USA only. We cannot make exceptions, this due to very strict regulations on the shipment of lithium batteries.
- Batteries cannot be shipped or ordered together with other items. If you wish to buy other items as well as these batteries, please place a separate order for the other items.
- Max. 4 sets (8 batteries) can be purchased at one time.
- Free shipping by USPS First-Class mail.
- Type: 18650
- Brand: Tecsun
- Style: Button top
- Chemistry: ICR
- Nominal capacity: 2600mAh
- Nominal voltage: 3.7
- Protected (PCB): Yes
- Rechargeable: Yes
- Approximate dimensions: 18mm x 70 mm
- Approximate weight: 48 g
These are the same Tecsun 18650 batteries that are supplied with the S-8800, H-501x, PL-990x and PL-880 radios. These batteries can also be used with the Tecsun ICR-110 and many other items that require 18650 lithium batteries. Do take note of the length of these protected batteries, which are longer than the unprotected batteries often used in flashlights, e-cigarettes and vaporizers.
Please note: When the plastic seals have been removed from the batteries' terminals, they cannot be returned, this due to strict Dangerous Goods regulations for the shipment and storage of lithium (Li-ion) batteries.
Product Code: 04-187Te00
Brand: Tecsun
Product Condition: New
weight: 20000000.0g
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